

McDonogh is a joyful teaching and learning community built on academic excellence, 无与伦比的机会, 以及终生的关系.

我们相信让孩子做好准备 LifeReady learners will enable them to do the greatest possible amount of good in our world. Our students emerge as young people of character who are exceptional communicators and who honor diversity in all its forms. 无论是独立还是与他人合作, they learn to pose their own questions and grapple with complex problems creatively.

申请流程的第一步是 创建招生配置文件 so that our team can more readily share upcoming admissions events and information.

We look forward to meeting your child and connecting with your family in the months ahead! 
















McDonogh is a welcoming community where young people become LifeReady under the guidance of talented and caring teachers. Opportunities abound for deep thinking, innovating, discovering passions, and helping others. 尽一切努力, students and adults are guided by the virtues on McDonogh’s Character Compass: respect, 责任, 诚实, 善良, 和服务. There is a lot to learn about McDonogh 学校, but here are some quick facts:


  • 麦克唐纳是一个无教派的人, 男女合校的, college preparatory school educating students from prekindergarten through twelfth grade.
  • 低年级包括学前班到四年级, 中学是五年级到八年级, 高中是九年级到十二年级.
  • 我们的课程对所有年级都有适当的挑战性, preparing students for higher education and to enter the world as resilient, 性格坚强的终身学习者.
  • Class size is determined by subject matter and grade level, with an average of 16 students per class.
  • Our college counselors work with students to determine which colleges are right for their individual interests, 个性, 和目标. Many students are accepted by the most prestigious colleges and universities in the country. 看到了吗? 2024届毕业生 是领导.
  • 麦当劳被评为“最佳工作场所” 巴尔的摩太阳报的 连续六年获得最佳工作场所项目.


  • McDonogh enrolls 1,460 students from prekindergarten through twelfth grade.
  • 麦克唐纳的学生群体代表了广泛的种族, 少数民族, 宗教, 社会经济, 地理背景.
  • Approximately 75 上学校 students live on campus during the week as part of the school's five-day boarding program.


  • 大卫J. Farace '87于2018年7月1日成为麦当劳的第13任校长.
  • 麦当劳雇佣了相当于190名全职教员, and more than 50 faculty and staff families live on campus and are involved in our vibrant residential life program.
  • 更多的 than 67% of faculty hold advanced degrees, and the average teaching tenure is 15 years.
  • 学生与教师的比例是7:1.


  • 成立于1873年,是一所为贫穷男孩开设的农场学校, McDonogh 学校 is situated on 800 pastoral acres in suburban Owings Mills.
  • The campus is located 20 minutes from downtown 巴尔的摩 and 50 minutes from Washington, D.C.
  • 校园充当了“伟大户外”的教室,“邀请学生体验森林, 字段, 池塘, 溪流是我们800英亩土地的一部分. 
  • , 我们10英亩的校园农场, offers students hands-on experiences such as planting and harvesting produce for our dining hall and area food pantries.
  • 一流的设施加强了学习, 包括一个创新中心, 干建筑, 两个电影院, 艺术画廊, 骑马大厅, 奥林匹克标准大小的游泳池, 还有许多运动场和网球场.


2024-2025 学费 (including bus transportation and hot lunch) is:

  • 在读幼儿园之前:23550美元
  • 幼儿园和学前教育:33,950美元
  • 低年级(1-4年级):36,850美元
  • 中学(5-8年级):38,950美元 
  • 高中(9-12年级):41,050美元
  • 上学校 五天的寄宿: full year - $14,300; single term - $5,300


  • $7.1 million in need-based scholarship was given to students for the 2023-2024 academic year.


  • McDonogh operates a fleet of 20 buses with community stops in five counties (Anne Arundel, 巴尔的摩, 卡罗尔, 哈福德, 霍华德)和巴尔的摩市.
  • Bus service is included in tuition, and all day-students are assigned a bus stop and pick-up time.
  • 学前班的学生和刚上幼儿园的学生, prefirst, 和一年级的学生都有一个巴士伙伴, an older student who helps the younger student adjust to riding the bus.


  • 午餐包括在学费里, 这样家庭就不用自备午餐了, 购买餐卡, 或者寄午餐钱.
  • There are plenty of appealing and nutritious choices in the dining hall's selection of hot entrees, 沙拉吧, 还有三明治站.
  • The dining hall offers breakfast and dinner for boarding students.


  • The five-day boarding program allows 上学校 students to live on campus during the school week and return home to spend time with their families over the weekend. 
  • 大约有75名学生参加了寄宿计划, which gives them more opportunities to be involved in campus life. 


我们社区的健康是最重要的. 麦克唐纳雇佣了两名全职护士, 每个部门有一名有执照的心理健康临床医生, 还有三个有执照的运动教练. McDonogh requires each student to submit records of an annual doctor's physical exam. Additionally, all students who are not medically contraindicated must be fully vaccinated.



  • AfterCare is available to children in kindergarten through fourth grade at an additional cost.
  • AfterCare operates on regular school days, Monday through Thursday from 3:45 p.m. 至下午6时.m. 周五下午3:15开始.m. 至下午5时.m.


  • McDonogh's dress code reflects our belief that children should dress appropriately for the task of learning and in a way that eliminates competitiveness.
  • Lower and 中学 students wear polo shirts and khaki pants and skirts. 上学校 students wear oxford shirts and khaki pants, and skorts.
  • 新制服可通过 学校的商店 位于艾伦大厦的地下室. Gently-used uniforms are available through the McDonogh 家长协会.



Our exceptional faculty and staff are the heart and soul of McDonogh 学校. Each member of our dedicated team has a unique story behind their love for kids and their commitment to teaching and learning. In partnership with our 上学校 Honors 照片y and Digital 媒体 II class, 我们很高兴能分享他们鼓舞人心的故事.


We love that a McDonogh education is about developing the student's fullest potential both inside and outside the classroom.
